Monday, March 2, 2009

Restore majority rule in California!

A message to California's grassroots (yup, that's us!)

A group of California Obama organizers is fed up with California's arcane and unworkable budget process, and wants to get to work fixing this mess.

How? We want to use our networks to build a grassroots movement to get rid of the CA budget's two-third's rule.

California is one of only three states that requires a two-third's majority to pass a budget, and it has resulted in the legislature failing to pass a budget by the constitutional deadline 28 of the last 32 years!

We can't fix education, or health care, or the environment if we don't fix our budgeting process.

Will you sign up on Yes We Can Change California to indicate your interest in supporting repeal of the two-third's rule?

As President Obama told us more than once, our work is just beginning. California needs our help, and we need your support in order to begin this necessary process.

Please visit Yes We Can Change California, and sign up to join the state-wide effort to restore democracy to our state government and eliminate the two-third's rule.

When you do so, please let me know that you have signed up. I have made a personal commitment to get at least 100 fellow grassroots activists to agree to become part of this movement. I am fed up with the legislative impairment in Sacramento and take responsibility for changing its dysfunction before my teen-aged daughter reaches adulthood and assumes the fiscal mess that holds all of us hostage every single year. After all, this is our government!

Pass along this message to others who you think would be interested in supporting this movement. Consider making your own commitment to enlist 100 other citizens to join us. Let me know if you are doing this, so that we begin to create the powerful local network that will be required to get a ballot initiative that restores majority rule in the California budget process.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, inquiries, or concerns about this effort.

Yours in change,
Linda Carpenter Sexauer

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